Integration types
Plugins and
integrations library.
Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with FantasticStay
Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Hosthub

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Elina PMS
Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Smoobu
Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with beds24

Send reservation data or team updates to any system you choose with our webhook integration

Send SMS messages to guests automatically (utilising Zapier)

Send Whatsapp messages to guests automatically (utilising Twilio)

Easily send SMS and Whatsapp messages utilising the Guestflow Twilio integration
Connect your business Outlook account to Guestflow messaging to link guest emails to your reservations easily

Connect your business Google Workspace or Gmail account to Guestflow messaging to link guest emails to your reservations easily

Get real time notifications in any channel for any update including new reservations, cancellations or team actions

Send reservation details or booking updates or team actions to clickup with Guestflow

Send all guest details to Mailchimp

Send reservation data or booking actions to Asana by using Guestflow

Send reservation data or booking actions to Trello by using Guestflow
Take payments and security deposits for your bookings on Stripe using Guestflow

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with VRBO (requires PMS)
Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Expedia (requires PMS)

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with (requires PMS)

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Airbnb (requires PMS)

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Hostfully

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Owner Rez

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Mews

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Uplisting

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Hostaway

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Hospitable

Send reservation data or team actions to google sheets

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Tokeet

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Lodgify

Increase your revenue & streamline your team by integrating Guestflow with Hostify